Green Group

Our Bushland Projects:

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Baden Powell Bushland Reserve

Bush regeneration behind our Humphries Road hall was initiated by our Scout group in 1999.  It was viewed as a practical application of the Tenth Scout Law: “A Scout Cares for the Environment”.

Joeys, Cubs and Scouts planted indigenous vegetation on the edge of Tangenong Creek.  Scout families, and venturers, commenced gully restoration.

Working outward from a small area of remnant vegetation near Baden Powell Drive, concrete, asphalt rubble, broken glass, Pittosporum and noxious weeds were removed.  Planting, and, where possible, natural regeneration techniques, were undertaken.

 As bushland re-emerged from the confines of Pittosporum, tracks and infrastructure were established by the Scout community (more recently this has been upgraded by Frankston City Council). We have also had input from Melbourne Water under the Healthy Waterways program. 

In 2001 the Scout group gained “Land for Wildlife” status and also, Landcare’s inaugural Weedbusters Education award.

Between mid-March and mid-November young and old alike can join our weekly Tuesday team (10 am -12 noon).  

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Williams Road Beach

In 2003, bushland regeneration around the foreshore hall was initiated by the Scout group.  All sections were involved in an inaugural planting day.   

Subsequently, Scouts have been involved in a range of weekend and evening activities.  This has included understanding traditional land practices (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage) and implementing current land practises, including building an erosion control wall in front of the primary dune, waste recycling and caring for our natural habitats.

While a range of bushland activities have been organised specifically for the Scout group, many scouts have, during holidays, joined our Friday morning working bees (currently 10 am until 1pm).  These sessions take place between late March and the middle of November.

As a result of community & Scout working bees, Shire input plus funding grants, the bushland restoration site has gradually increased and now covers 2.6 hectares.  This area is located between the north side of Jacksons Road and Glen Shian Lane.  The restoration process has involved maintaining the quality of restored areas, mainly through hand-weeding, the gradual removal of adjoining woody weeds (particularly Polygala) and follow through hand-weeding.  Where natural regeneration has not occurred, planting of species, growning on site, has been undertaken. 


Want to get involved?


To arrange Scout events, contact Melinda or Tony Gustus:

To join the team at Baden Powell Bushland Reserve, contact

To join the team at the beach, contact Melinda: